Business Trip Meal Podcast Episode 9


Hello and welcome to the Business Trip Meal Podcast.  My name is Mario Alvarez and I’m your host.  In this episode we will listen to an interview I did to my dear friend Alex who was for years a sales representative.  Alex was born in Barcelona and travelled all over Europe for work reasons but on the private side he is also a traveller who loves to visit countries all over the world.  In this conversation he will tell us about his love for food made with respect and will give us also some recommendations.  I have created links to those recommendations which you can click if you visit our site at business trip meal podcast episode 9.  and now Please enjoy!


Rementxe ist the restaurant we most refer in this episode.

Chuletón, I found an interesting article from Forbes about the chuletón, there you can click on a caption to the english version.

Solomillo Is another great cut for meat fans.

Basque Country

Guernica Restaurante Zallo Barri

Pintxos are a great option for dinner in the Basque Country

Rioja Wine

San Sebastián The favorite city for Alex my colleague.

La Cuchara de San Telmo a must when going for pintxos in San Sebastián

Juan Valdez a world know colombian brand of coffee

Priorat Hier a funny video description and tasting of Priorat wine by the today marketing genious Gary Vaynerchuk.

Riesling another video from wine library tv, very interesting way of talking about wine.

Omellette  Tortilla espaniola First result I got when typing Tortilla de Patatas in Google.

Pacomeralgo A mandatory stop when in Barcelona.

Tram Tram Restaurant in Barcelona,  recommended by Alex as well.

Google trip advisor Cross Check,  I think I will make a dedicated episode to the exercise of searching for a restaurant using Google and Tripadvisor as a crosscheck technique.  No links here :-).

Some pictures from one visit to Remenetxe

from left to right, The place, Pimientos as starter, Salad with lots of Balsámico, Fries, and Solomillo on the personal grill.

Thankyou for listening, as said before you will find links to the tips at business trip meal .com episode 9.  In the next episode I will interview a French sales representative.  My friend Joel will give us his take on meals on a business trip.  Untill then I wish you   good businesses, great trips and even better meals.  Goodbye.


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